Ten Things Tuesday

This meme is hosted by XBOX WIFE

It’s “Ten Things Tuesday”, and that means it is time to put your on your happy face, and share your ten things for which you’re thankful for today!! And if your happy face is hiding? Make your list anyway, and just see if it doesn’t make an appearance!

Ten Things Tuesday #2

  1. Patch jumped on his bed: I am thankful that Patch (my 11 year old dalmatian that has been sick for 4 months-read my Dogs page for more stories) jumped up on his bed (Grandpa’s bed) today. He hasn’t been on his bed in a week and a half! He could only make it on his ottoman-sometimes needing help!
  2. Patch went for a ride: I am thankful that Patch got into his car today and went for a ride even though Jedd let him poop and guess who had to clean it up. Thank goodness he is on plenty of cheese for his meds-good solid stuff-TMI-lol! Anywho~car rides are his FAVORITE thing to do and he has only been on one to the V-E-T in the last week and a half!
  3. Etodolac: Pain medicine for Patch. I believe we have found the right med for Patch at this time. It is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication. We now believe that he is in pain and it isn’t anxiety. The last med the Doc put him on made him sick (Cipro). Doc said 1 in 3 dogs can’t take it. Patch is one of those three-lol!
  4. Rain: I am so thankful for the rain we are receiving right now and have been for two days! We had such a drought last year and are still trying to catch up!
  5. Birds Chirping: I love the sound of birds chirping-if I am not trying to sleep-hehe! It is a sign of life and new growth-Spring is here!
  6. Spring Break: I am thankful for Spring Break right now. I am getting a lot of stuff done-blogging-lol! I have posted 5 posts today and one more to go-hehe! I am getting a necessary break from the classroom and the children are getting a necessary break from the classroom too!
  7. Dad gets a job: I am so thankful that my Dad is finally working after almost two years. I just hope he sticks with it. He has been working quite a lot since he started last week. *kneeling to pray for dad*
  8. My cousin Sarah: I am so thankful and proud of my cousin, Sarah. She has been on a mission for the last year to become more self-sufficient for her and her child. She has enrolled in beauty school and is doing great!
  9. Blogosphere: I am so thankful for my blog and my blog buddies. Sometimes I believe that my friends are really in my computer. I really appreciate the visits I get and the kind words I receive! I love to visit others too! I feel like I “know” a lot about my blog buddies! *hugs to all*
  10. Animal Shelters: I am thankful for animal shelters all around for the hard work they do to save animals’ lives! I will be assisting the local animal shelters in the near future for our Service Learning Project. Stay Tuned!
For directions and more Ten Things Tuesday participants, please visit: XBOX WIFE.space

Memes: If you like to play, I am hosting two new memes (Scrumptious Sunday & Hump Day Humor) at my other site: Mercedes Rocks. These have finally been added to The Daily Meme! Woohoo! Please come on over and check it out! I would love to have you participate! Thanks!

Blog of the Week: Please visit my Spotlight Blog of the Week. You might be the Blog of the Week one week! )


Ten Things Tuesday


This meme is hosted by XBOX WIFE

It’s “Ten Things Tuesday”, and that means it is time to put your on your happy face, and share your ten things for which you’re thankful for today!! And if your happy face is hiding? Make your list anyway, and just see if it doesn’t make an appearance!

  1. Awoke from my dream: I am so thankful I awoke from my dream: I had Mary Kay make-up products open (at school-I never do this) and I was giving a lady a book. I told the car riders to get up (nap time) and they all hovered around the samples digging in the make-up with their fingernails-aaahhhhh! Then I woke up-thank goodness!
  2. Alarm Clocks with Snooze: I am thankful that I have an alarm clock: with a snooze (I rarely use snooze) that works. My alarm awoke me from that horrible nightmare-lol
  3. Jedd sleeps peacefully: I am thankful that Jedd was snoozing peacefully: since I hit the snooze button 2 times and the alarm went off 3 times
  4. Patch is still with me: I am soooo thankful that my 11 year old dalmatian, Patch is still with us. He has been sick on and off for 4 months. He was mis-diagnosed as having lymphoma, then correctly diagnosed as NOT having lymphoma. Please see my Dogs page for previous stories of Patch.
  5. Coffee was ready: I am so thankful that this morning of all mornings I set the coffee to auto last night-since I hit snooze 2 times. Whew!
  6. Mary Kay Order: I am thankful that my Mary Kay order arrived and I will be delivering orders this afternoon and receiving payments. Payments are a good thing!
  7. Granny: I am thankful that my Granny is doing much better and seems to be on the right track! She is 91 years old.
  8. My Aunt: I am thankful that my aunt has finally landed a job! She is a nurse and her previous job closed down the Nursing home. She utilized her time off by having knee replacement surgery, but was in a rut after recovery while trying to find a job. She found one-woohoo!
  9. Spring Break: I am thankful that Spring Break is almost here. My Spring Break starts on Friday at 3:30 p.m. BTW-I am a Kindergarten Teacher, but it is time for a break for the kiddies and me-lol!
  10. Ten Things Tuesday: I am thankful that I have met XBOX WIFE and that we are getting to know each other pretty quick-hehe! I am thankful that she has created this meme, she is doing wonderful things with it, and that I was invited to participate!
For directions and more Ten Things Tuesday participants, please visit: XBOX WIFE.
If you wish to participate, please start at her site and don’t forget to leave a link to your post with Mr. Linky and a comment at her place.
Memes: If you like to play, I am hosting two new memes (Scrumptious Sunday & Hump Day Humor) at my other site: Mercedes Rocks. These have finally been added to The Daily Meme! Woohoo! Please come on over and check it out! I would love to have you participate! Thanks!
Reminder: If you belong to one of the following blogrolls, I have something for you: Yummy Blog Award. Blogrolls: A1 Dogs & 2 Cats, Blog Buddies, Blog Meme Peeps, Blog Party Peeps, and Bloggers = Fun!