Kind Blogger Award

My dear blog friend Darla @ Beauty Inside and Out honored me with this award on May 31, 2008. She says”for her loyalty and heroic actions when her dog passed. *sniff* Thank you! Darla is such a dear, kind friend! I’m so glad we have met via the blog world and she has a wonderful blog too! Love Ya! Mean It!

I am catching up with passing on recent awards. I would like to pass on this award to the following bloggers~You are all too kind, but I narrowed it down to 10 today. I know many others will receive this soon when these buddies pass on the love! 😉

10 Responses

  1. Mere, Thanks SOOOOOOOOO much – what an honor!

  2. Thank you award lady. 😀
    I like having a kind award. Thanks!

  3. Congratulations! You deserve it, you are a Kind Blogger!

  4. aww shucks… thanks Mercedes…you’re a gem!

  5. You’re welcome. LYMI!

  6. Ooooh this is a great award. I will cherish it. I will post it this weekend while I’m “Spreadin’ The Love”.


  7. Awwww hun! You are determined to make me cry 🙂

    Thank you so very much my dear friend! As always…YOU ROCK!

  8. Why, thank you so much! You truly are a peach! 😀

  9. Congratulations on your award.

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