Ten Things Tuesday

This meme is hosted by XBOX WIFE

It’s “Ten Things Tuesday”, and that means it is time to put your on your happy face, and share your ten things for which you’re thankful for today!! And if your happy face is hiding? Make your list anyway, and just see if it doesn’t make an appearance!

Ten Things Tuesday #3

  1. Birthday: I am thankful that I have made it to another birthday. Some people do not like birthday time, but to me it is a celebration of life and I am so glad that I am alive to celebrate my life!
  2. Blogging Buddies: I am so appreciative of my blog buddies that wished me a happy birthday in so many ways. One had a psot dedicated to me. I received two birthday cards from two of my blog friends and one of them sent me a batch of homemade cookies-delicious! Many others stopped by to wish me a happy birthday too! You guys are the best!
  3. Patch: I am thankful that Patch, my 11 year old dalmatian, also made it to my birthday! We really thought we would lose him at Christmas, but he has made it to Christmas, New Years (and his birthday), Valentine’s, Jedd’s birthday, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, and my birthday! I sure hope he is here to celebrate Mother’s Day with me!
  4. Ehrilichiosis: I am so glad that we now know what is wrong with Patch. He has ehrilichiosis-a tick disease.
  5. My younger brother: I am thankful my younger brother called me on my birthday! We were the best of friends growing up and we had a stupid (on his part-hehe) falling out a year ago! He called me on my birthday and we talked for an hour! I am so glad we are talking again!
  6. My younger brother builds a house: I am thankful that my younger brother and his wife are building a house. They live in Austin, Texas and should be in their new house in a few months! I am so proud of him!
  7. Dad got a job: am so thankful that my Dad is working again after almost two years! Woohoo! Praying he will stick with it!
  8. Granny: I am thankful for the visit I had with my Granny last Saturday! She made me my traditional birthday cake that I have had every year since I was about 5 years old. I really enjoyed our visit! She is 91 years old.
  9. Taxes are finished!: I am so thankful that I finally completed my tax return. I always do my taxes the first of February, but since I am now in the Mary Kay business-I put my taxes off until the last minute! I will try to do better next year! I am just so thankful that I am finished!
  10. Jedd’s Store: And finally I am thankful that Jedd has hired two new employees at the store. I believe things will be much better up there now! And I am glad he hired two instead of one! Of course he and his partner have to have their golf time off-lol!

For directions and more Ten Things Tuesday participants, please visit: XBOX WIFE

Memes: If you like to play, I am hosting two new memes (Scrumptious Sunday & Hump Day Humor) at my other site: Mercedes Rocks. Please come on over and check it out! I would love to have you participate! Thanks!

6 Responses

  1. What a sweet list. You have a happy, positive attitude!! That’s a good way to look at birthday. i usually say, well another year older. 😦

    Thank you! It is still depressing sometimes, but I gotta be positive about it-hehe!

  2. Mercedes ~

    Happy belated Birthday! So sorry I missed “the party”.

    I love the new look you gave your blog.

    Great ten things to be happy about! I have so many things to be thankful/happy for it would be difficult to narrow it down to just 10. I’ll think on it.

    Thank you, thank you, and thank you!

  3. I am thankful for my family and all my friends!!!! HUGS!!

    Great things to be thankful for! I am thankful for YOU! HUGS right back!

  4. Great list!

    Thanks! I enjoyed yours too-especially your doggies snuggling up to you in the morning and going to Cracker Barrel to eat! I love dogs and Cracker Barrel! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Happy Birthday !!! Sorry I missed it.

    Great TTT List!

    Thank you and thank you! You’re great!

  6. *SHOUT OUT* Happy to see you Mer!

    Woohoo! Thank you and ditto right back! LYMI!

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