


Hi! I am thirty-eight old. I am a Tennessee Native and have lived in Tullahoma, Tennessee and the surrounding area all of my life. I live with my boyfriend of 5 years and my 11 year old Dalmatian-Patch. These aren’t the best pictures I have of him (Jedd or Patch-hehe-jk-Patch). I will put some better ones up soon.

My beloved Patch passed on to the Rainbow Bridge on 5-9-08. R.I.P. Patch!



I graduated from MTSU. I am an educator. I have taught Kindergarten for seven years. I am currently working on my Masters degree in Curriculum and Instruction-when time permits and I can afford it. I am also an Independent Beauty Consultant for Mary Kay Cosmetics. My motto is “Just sales-no Recruiting!”

[rockyou id=62231796&w=426&h=319]

I love children and animals. I love Patch! I love to read (when I have time) and mess around on the computer. I love football~especially Tennessee Vols! Go Big Orange!

[rockyou id=40137324&w=426&h=320]

I love and collect lighthouses. My dream vacation is to drive around the East Coast (or wherever) and visit some lighthouses.

[rockyou id=32783957&w=375&h=275]

I also collect magnets, keychains, and dalmatians.

[rockyou id=34957744&w=375&h=275]



18 Responses

  1. Your blog is looking GREAT! Peeking in to see how you are and WOW! You go girl!!!

    Thank you very much. I just got my own domain-actually two. One for WordPress and one for a new teacher website. Now I have a lot of work ahead of me. I have to figure out how to get this blog up and going on my own new domain and create a whole new teacher website. I already have one teacher website with I have been posting a little more now on here. I also have some more posting ideas-trying to decide if I should post now or save them and participate in National Blog Posting Month in November. Thanks for stopping by.


  2. Love that Patch! I love lighthouses too, Got a few, would like a few more.I would like to visit one that has a place to stay overnight.someday.. Great site, Mercedes is a cool name.

    Hey Angie-thanks for stopping by. Mercedes is a name I have loved forever-so I chose it after my “Miss Periwinkle” stint at PT-lol. It is also pretty close to my real name. The nicknames from my real name work with Mercedes too.

    Meredith (Mere-Mer)
    Mercedes (Mer)

  3. Hi,

    I just started blogging, was looking for humorous blogs and found yours. I like it! I was going to link to it, but I haven’t quite figured out how yet. Still learning this thing. If you want to check out my blog I’m at

    Welcome! Going to visit you now! WOOF!

  4. Hi,

    Thanks for the feedback and tips on my blog.

    I am slowly learning this thing. Also, I figured out how to link so I linked to you.

    Glenn Millar
    The Millar’s Tale

    Anytime~thanks for the add to your blogroll!

  5. very nice blog.

    Thanks Sally! Thanks for stopping by. Please stop by anytime!


  6. You have a wonderful site here! Great job, I can learn so much from you!! Talk to ya soon!!!!

    Winnie! Thanks for stopping by! I hope to see more of ya here…and maybe on your own blog???


  7. Hi Mercedes – I feel you pain and what your going through. My dog is just the opposite, has diarrhea and is on a bland diet now (my other dogs are jealous). I couldn’t get him up (he’s140lbs.) this morning and just stood there sobbing – after several attempts, I finally got him up and out into the yard – he could hold his pee for up to seven hours but will stand there forever going. This is so hard to see him like this, it’s going on two months now since his diagnosis. Hang in there – not sure if you could see my email – if so, keep me updated – good luck : )

    Hey Patty. Patch went through the diarrhea, when we changed him to canned dog food. We switched to a better kibbles he could eat and that improved. Patch pees alot too~we were assuming from the meds. Good Luck to you too. I didn’t receive your email?? My addy is:

  8. Hi – just wanted to tell you that if Patches ever starts coughing due to the enlargement of the lymph nodes in his neck – Theophylline is a life saver! Emmitt stopped coughing the very next day. Our original vet , which we had since Emmitt was a pup basically told us he has two to eight months to live, have a nice day – he never even mentioned Prednisone to make him comfortable. We switched vets and we love the new clinic we found – very pricey but worth every penny – they even call us to check on Emmitt whenever he has a problem. Right now we’re dealing with sores on his feet. He’s on Tramadol, Prednisolone, Amoxicillin and thyroid med. Just wanted to warn you about the cough, if it should happen, it’s treatable, it sounds like a hairball is stuck in their throat.

    Thanks for the heads up and for stopping by. Patch had sores on his feet and various other places. those have healed up pretty much. Patch is on prednisone and tramadol. I will remember the Theophylline.

  9. Hi – been thinking about you and Patch – how’s is he? Are you sticking with your current vet? Just thought I’d stop by and see how things are going : )

    I still haven’t called Doc yet. I haven’t decided what I will do. How are you? Hope things are getting a little better! Hope the brothers/sisters are doing ok~I’m sure they know something is up. Thanks for stopping by.

  10. Hi Mercedes – how’s Patch doing? Anything new on the vet situation? It was so important to have a vet I could call anytime and freak out to and have them call me back and answer all of my questions – I hope you get the same from whoever you decide to use. Two days ago my son’s hamster died (double wammy!) and held a funeral this morning for her. I’m trying so hard not to get lost in thoughts of Emmitt, it’s enough to drive me insane, I miss him so much. I asked Eve if she felt guilty, I went through that a few days ago, she said it’s normal. Hope Patch is doing well – talk to you again soon : )

    I will be calling a new Doc tomorrow to see if I can have a consultation. Bless you and your son-whew! Patch seems to be doing fine, exept he is losing plugs of hair on his pinnas (the outside part of his ears-floppy parts). I keep thinking I will be better at this this, but I know I probably won’t. Patch is my only child (person and animal). That is going to be really tough! I know that Eve keeps herself busy~and it helps for her. Not sure what you do? Thoughts, prayers, and hugs coming your way!


  11. Nice to meet you! My fiance teaches 4th grade elementary! 🙂

    Ditto! Congratulations! Woohoo~a teacher…elementary too! Thanks for stopping by!

  12. Hi Mer! LOVE the pics of Patch.

    I finally posted my eulogy to Doodles on my blog, so feel free to link/copy it to share here if you want.

    LYMI! (Your fault — you started it hehe!)

    Thanks! I read it, but was unable to post at the time *sniff*. Since you are in the blogging world now~I will come up with a post to be able to link to your post. LYMI!

  13. Mer,
    Just saw this page. You are so cute and you both make a cute couple (well a triple–I forgot Patch HA).

    Thank you! We have all grown together-literally-LOL! And you can’t ever forget Patch-hehe! He and I have been together through thick and thin for a long time. WOOF!

  14. When you come East, don’t forget to come see us in Maryland! We’ve got some great lighthouses!

    Cool! Thanks for the invite! My thoughts and prayers are with you now!

  15. Wonderful photos of Patch, here hoping you have many years left together.

    Thank you! I too am hoping with you! You are awesome, you dog trainer you!

  16. Patch looks like a very cool dog. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Come see me anytime!

    He is so cool! You’re welcome! I’ll be back-lol!

  17. Hi! This is just a test. If this had been an actual reply, I would have said something witty about the the chalkboard stick guy!

    Woohoo! Testing-Testing-One-Two-Check-You are linkable! I love my little stick guy-LOL! Nice to meet you~btw!

  18. Mere…I love the new header for your blog!

    Mr. Linky tends to be a pain most of the time. Personally I would rather work with people’s comments and not worry about Mr. Linky.

    Thank you! I do not like Mr. Linky anymore either! Glad you don’t mind! Thanks for stopping by my bio page! 🙂

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