My Other Names

Randomability shared this one with me, so I borrowed it from her to post here. Feel free to add your responses in a comment or a post of your own. Please leave me a link to your post if you do post this! This is so funny!

1. My rock star name (first pet and current car)
Sebastian Maxima

2. My gangsta name (ice cream flavor and cookie or biscuit)
Chocolate Tagalongs

3. My fly girl name (first letter of first name, first three letters of last name)
M Hal

4. My detective name (favorite color, favorite animal)
Yellow Dog

5. My soap opera name (middle name, city of birth)
Anne Nashville

6. My Star Wars name (first three letters of your last name, first two of your first name)

7. My superhero name (second favorite color, favorite drink, add “the”)
The Orange SunDrop

8. My Nascar name (first two names of my two grandfathers)
Alonzo Richard (My blood grandfather on my Mom’s side-I never knew: he had nothing to do with his two girls and their grandchildren. Richard was my Mom’s step-father and he is the only grandfather I have. Alonzo is my Dad’s Dad and he passed away when my Dad was a child.

9. My stripper name (favorite perfume, favorite sweet)
Design Cookie (I have worn Design for 20 years~creature of habit-lol)

10. My witness protection name (mother’s and father’s middle names)
Anne Allen

11. My weather anchor name (fifth grade teacher’s name, a major city beginning with the same letter)
Harmon Houston

12. My spy name (favorite season/flower)
Spring Tulip

13. Cartoon name (favorite fruit plus garment you’re wearing, with an “ie” or “y” added)
Peach Crocsie (lol)

14. Hippie name (what you ate for breakfast plus favorite tree)
SunDrop Shady (ROFL)

15. Your rockstar tour name (favorite hobby plus weather element, with “the”)
The Blogging Sunshine (I am cracking myself up-lol)

16. Blues singer name (a disability, a fruit or vegetable, and a president)
Bipolar Asparagus Nixon (president when I was born-this is funny-lol)

11 Responses

  1. Your were hilarious.

    1. My rock star name (first pet and current car).
    Chloe Pontiac

    2. My gangsta name (ice cream flavor and cookie or biscuit)
    Vanilla Oreo

    3. My fly girl name (first letter of first name, first three letters of last name)
    G Ram

    4. My detective name (favorite color, favorite animal)
    Blue Cheetah

    5. My soap opera name (middle name, city of birth)
    Renee Memphis wow~have you been in Memphis your whole life?

    6. My Star Wars name (first three letters of your last name, first two of your first name)

    7. My superhero name (second favorite color, favorite drink, add “the”)
    The Yellow Coke

    8. My Nascar name (first two names of my two grandfathers)
    Tom Paul

    9. My stripper name (favorite perfume, favorite sweet)
    Pleasures Popsicle ROFL

    10. My witness protection name (mother’s and father’s middle names)
    Ann Wayne

    11. My weather anchor name (fifth grade teacher’s name, a major city beginning with the same letter)
    Miller Memphis

    12. My spy name (favorite season/flower)
    Autumn Tulip beautiful

    13. Cartoon name (favorite fruit plus garment you’re wearing, with an “ie” or “y” added)
    Watermelon Shirty

    14. Hippie name (what you ate for breakfast plus favorite tree)
    Oatmeal Dogwood lol

    15. Your rock star tour name (favorite hobby plus weather element, with “the”)
    The Blogging Storm I am cracking up

    16. Blues singer name (a disability, a fruit or vegetable, and a president)
    Schizophrenia Lemon Bush 🙂 splorf

  2. OOh, ooh, my stripper name is really good!

    Moonlight Chocolate!!!

    ZEXY, babe!

    Love It!

  3. 1. My rock star name (first pet and current car)
    King Truck

    2. My gangsta name (ice cream flavor and cookie or biscuit)
    Butter Pecan Martha White

    3. My fly girl (guy) name (first letter of first name, first three letters of last name)
    L Hog

    4. My detective name (favorite color, favorite animal)
    Green pony

    5. My soap opera name (middle name, city of birth)
    G Decatur

    6. My Star Wars name (first three letters of your last name, first two of your first name)
    7. My superhero name (second favorite color, favorite drink, add “the”)
    The Orange Dew

    8. My Nascar name (first two names of my two grandfathers)
    Jake Richmond

    9. My stripper name (favorite perfume, favorite sweet)
    Spice Snicker

    10. My witness protection name (mother’s and father’s middle names)
    Lou Hobson

    11. My weather anchor name (fifth grade teacher’s name, a major city beginning with the same letter)
    Strickland Strathesburg

    12. My spy name (favorite season/flower)
    Fall Maypop

    13. Cartoon name (favorite fruit plus garment you’re wearing, with an “ie” or “y” added)
    Olive Panty ( :s )

    14. Hippie name (what you ate for breakfast plus favorite tree)
    Bagel Gum

    15. Your rockstar tour name (favorite hobby plus weather element, with “the”)
    The Misty Collector

    16. Blues singer name (a disability, a fruit or vegetable, and a president)
    Limping Bean Johnson.

    okay there should be a couple more guy shots in there – lol

    I can just see the Vegas Marquee….
    Tonight – One Night Only

    Pleasures Popsicle – Spice Snicker – Design Cookie

    Those were the ones that cracked me up! The Olive Panty is too funny too-lol. I am absolutely in tears from laughing! The Orange Dew is like The Orange SunDrop 🙂 Thanks for playing along!

  4. LOL… this should be enlightening!

    1. My rock star name (first pet and current car)
    Clyde Tundra

    2. My gangsta name (ice cream flavor and cookie or biscuit)
    Pistachio Ritz

    3. My fly guy name (first letter of first name, first three letters of last name)
    J Jet

    4. My detective name (favorite color, favorite animal)
    Blue Dog

    5. My soap opera name (middle name, city of birth)
    Charles Tyler

    6. My Star Wars name (first three letters of your last name, first two of your first name)

    7. My superhero name (second favorite color, favorite drink, add “the”)
    The Green Fresca

    8. My Nascar name (first two names of my two grandfathers)
    Mansle Robert

    9. My stripper name (favorite cologne, favorite sweet)
    Voyage Cobbler

    10. My witness protection name (mother’s and father’s middle names)
    Alton Nell

    11. My weather anchor name (fifth grade teacher’s name, a major city beginning with the same letter)
    Nellie Nashville

    12. My spy name (favorite season/flower)
    Autumn Orchid (There’s no way a guy can get that one…!)

    13. Cartoon name (favorite fruit plus garment you’re wearing, with an “ie” or “y” added)
    Grape Shortsy

    14. Hippie name (what you ate for breakfast plus favorite tree)
    Croissant Mimosa (Another toughie for a guy…!)

    15. Your rockstar tour name (favorite hobby plus weather element, with “the”)
    The Photography Breeze

    16. Blues singer name (a disability, a fruit or vegetable, and a president)
    Blind Melon Coolidge

    OK… now I’m going to go stand somewhere quiet and try to shake that off! LOL! 😀

    Woohoo~another guy! Pistachio Ritz-Voyage Cobbler-Autumn Orchid-Croissant Mimosa-splorf! Nellie Nashville-love it! Thank you for playing along even though it was tough-ROFL!

  5. This was just too much fun Mercedes! Thanks for today’s smile!

    1. My rock star name (first pet and current car) Dog Dodge Neon

    2. My gangsta name (ice cream flavor and cookie or biscuit) Black Walnut Oreo

    3. My fly girl name (first letter of first name, first three letters of last name) Shaz

    4. My detective name (favorite color, favorite animal) Blue Dog

    5. My soap opera name (middle name, city of birth) Gayle Farmington

    6. My Star Wars name (first three letters of your last name, first two of your first name) Hazsh

    7. My superhero name (second favorite color, favorite drink, add “the”) The Black Pepsi

    8. My Nascar name (first two names of my two grandfathers) Raymond Edward

    9. My stripper name (favorite perfume, favorite sweet) Imari Chocolate

    10. My witness protection name (mother’s and father’s middle names) Sue Gail

    11. My weather anchor name (fifth grade teacher’s name, a major city beginning with the same letter) Elhert East St. Louis

    12. My spy name (favorite season/flower) Spring Rose

    13. Cartoon name (favorite fruit plus garment you’re wearing, with an “ie” or “y” added) Strawberry TeeShirtie

    14. Hippie name (what you ate for breakfast plus favorite tree) Bagel Blue Cedar

    15. Your rockstar tour name (favorite hobby plus weather element, with “the”) The Stormy Gamer

    16. Blues singer name (a disability, a fruit or vegetable, and a president)

    Thanks for sharing! I commented about yours on your blog! 🙂

  6. My rock star name (first pet and current car):
    Wall Denali (I swear you can’t make this stuff up! LOL)

    2. My gangsta name (ice cream flavor and cookie or biscuit)
    Chocolate Sundae oreo

    3. My fly girl name (first letter of first name, first three letters of last name)
    D Fla

    4. My detective name (favorite color, favorite animal)
    Red cat

    5. My soap opera name (middle name, city of birth)
    Kay Estherville

    6. My Star Wars name (first three letters of your last name, first two of your first name)

    7. My superhero name (second favorite color, favorite drink, add “the”)
    The Lime Green Water

    8. My Nascar name (first two names of my two grandfathers)
    Francis Shorty (nickname)

    9. My stripper name (favorite perfume, favorite sweet)
    Black Raspberry Vanilla Chocolate WOW-lol-I love Black Raspberry Vanilla

    10. My witness protection name (mother’s and father’s middle names)
    Joy Nada (my dad didn’t have a middle name, odd I know) LOL~yes I know quite a few people with no middle name

    11. My weather anchor name (fifth grade teacher’s name, a major city beginning with the same letter)
    Cass Charlston

    12. My spy name (favorite season/flower)
    Fall Petunia

    13. Cartoon name (favorite fruit plus garment you’re wearing, with an “ie” or “y” added)
    Grapes pajamie Splorf

    14. Hippie name (what you ate for breakfast plus favorite tree)
    English Muffin Willow

    15. Your rockstar tour name (favorite hobby plus weather element, with “the”)
    The Decorating Sunshine

    16. Blues singer name (a disability, a fruit or vegetable, and a president)
    Fibromyalgia Apple Obama 😉

  7. Shoot that last comment was to be:

    Fibromyalgia Apple Obama (wishful thinking!)

    Fixed it!

  8. I like this one. I might have to steal it. Isn’t it great that blogging encourages a network of thieves? 😀

    My rock star name sounds more like an exotic dancer…

    Tequila (Tequi) Silhouette. Niiiiiice.


  9. I like it! Mom did it over at her place!

    Thank you! I just visited her! 😉

  10. How funny. I’m going to post this right now!

  11. […] other names: Another Meme! Posted on July 9, 2008 by oh2btigger I got this from Mercedes, who got it from […]

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